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Archive for the ‘ProBlogging’ Category

January 23rd, 2008

Darren Debunks A Myth

And I’ll say “Thank You!”
A Reality Check about Blogging for Money
Short and sweet - it is mho that those who attempt to sell you on the ease of making money blogging, full time money or more, are the ones who are selling something that will benefit them much more than you in the short term! […]

By Mark -- 4 comments

August 25th, 2006

Fresh new Blogging course - Earn Six Figures!

I received an email this morning about Darren and Andy’s new updated blogging course, titled “Six Figure Blogging”. The fresh new course covers new material such as text-link-ads and new innovations from Chikitka, Amazon and Google.

We also tackle questions such as:
- With all the blog networks - is there still hope for six figure blogging?
- […]

By admin -- 0 comments

August 21st, 2006

Developing Traffic Revised

Bob: How come people don’t visit my blog?
Me: Well Bob, do people know about it?
Bob: I’ve read all the articles on Problogger and Performancing. I’ve created pillar articles just like Yaro said and I do what everyone boasts is the key to gaining traffic, I post content on a daily basis!
Does this sound like you?
I […]

By admin -- 4 comments

July 29th, 2006

Keeping out Blog Spam

When blogs first came around, no-one thought to create bots to spam them. Spam came in emails, who would have thought they would target blogs? Our precious blogs that allow us to portray thought, story and message. Our own personal haven.
But they found and managed to destory our haven, however we will not give up!
Spam […]

By admin -- 0 comments

June 22nd, 2006

Starting a Blog - Where’s your home base?

When organisations are formed, whether it be a web 2.0 startup, religious or music group, it’s important to look at your home base.

By admin -- 4 comments

June 5th, 2006

Why do blogs exist ?

My accounting lecturer one morning asked a question to the 400+ students that sat before him. It was a question that sparked a few brave souls to put up their hands and answer. So you can follow the story I had better tell you the question.
“Why do businesses exist?”
One brave student put up his hand […]

By admin -- 33 comments

June 3rd, 2006

Bloggers Don’t Click Adverts

A friend came to me recently and asked me why he wasn’t making much money from adsense. I asked him what his blog was about and he said blogging and how to make money online. I then proceeded to tell him the following;
If you’ve had any experience with running websites, tweaking ads […]

By admin -- 7 comments

May 29th, 2006

Blogging from your phone

Ever since I setup a system on my personal blog that allows me to post photos from my phone straight to WordPress, people have been asking me: how exactly do you do that?!?

By admin -- 12 comments