Making Money Online Has A Bigger Picture
I’m going to imagine that almost every citizen is well aware of the economic talk of pending recession in the United States. Really, you’d no doubt have to live in a very deep, dark cavern not to know of the “other shoe” that’s about to drop.
Yet, simultaneously, billions of dollars are being tossed around the Internet on all sorts of advertising, start-ups, and business proposals.
How is that possible? Better yet, how will that continue to be possible? And why might I ask that?
To begin with, I most certainly agree with Lynn Erskine: “Network providers should build better networks, and not squeeze users to pay more for infrastructure that’s a generation behind what’s available in parts of Europe and Asia.” Outfits such as Time-Warner have had ample time and money with which to implement a much more progressive solution to Internet access than they have and ought to stop pussy-footing around with our lives to their advantage! But we all know they won’t be stopped. Who’ll stop them? The FCC?
Pay attention! The plan is to charge higher prices to higher bandwidth using customers. Customers who originally were sold on TW’s services because TW told them they’d receive 4Mbps of available maximum capacity. And the questions are - why did TW build their infrastructure to only offer 4Mbps and why won’t they increase the capacity and what about those who come nowhere close to using 4Mbps? Do they qualify for a refund?
The bigger picture is - how many of the Internet’s pioneers are working on, or planning, innovations to web marketing, social applications, online advertising etc. that will require higher bandwidth capacity? I’ve been online since 1997. Not long by some standards but long enough to have seen many new implementations, software and hardware, ideas and inventions, that have increased the bandwidth usage requirements for all of us. Yet outfits like Time-Warner, AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and the lot, accept the government’s handouts, put a $200-billion tax break in their coffers, renege on their promises, then double and triple dip us while telling us that their screwing us is “comtastic!”
On a totally related note, Susan Crawford offered us an excellent resource allowing us to research exactly what our greedy hard-working politicians are up to in Congress, She also gave us some insight;
“Just as an example, take a look at the entry for the recent House Appropriations Bill. It passed in a hurry, it’s huge, no one knows what’s in it - and the President could make all of it meaningless with a single Executive Order. You can access the text of the bill, see its timeline, read comments and news stories and blog entries about the bill, rate all of those comments and news stories and blog entries, see its voting history, follow other actions by its sponsor - endless.”
Just as importantly: “You can track bills, get alerts sent to you, express your own votes on bills, do some social networking, follow bills on Facebook, and generally act as an informed citizen on all possible subjects.”
Tags: lynn-erskine, net-neutrality, network-providers, recession, Susan-Crawford, time-warnerRelated Stories
POSTED IN: Online Money, Personal Thoughts, Web News
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