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Work Boxers

Blogging from your phone

by admin on May 29th, 2006

Ever since I setup a system on my personal blog that allows me to post photos from my phone straight to WordPress, people have been asking me: how exactly do you do that?!?

It’s quite simply really and only requires a new email address and a WordPress plugin called Postie.

How it works

My new phone supports IMODE emailing, which is a service specific to my provider. IMODE allows me to subscribe to content such as movie session times, news, weather etc. Your provider may not have IMODE; however other providers (Vodafone live for example) may offer similar connectivity.

To sum it up;

1) You take your photo.
2) Attach it to an email on your phone and send it to a secret address that YOU set up.
3) The WordPress plugin Postie can check this secret email account and decode the information inside.
4) It then creates a WordPress post, containing the emails subject, body and any attachments.

So how can I set this up?

If you’re using WordPress 2.x, you can grab postie here.
If you’re using WordPress 1.5x, you can grab postie here.

1) Simply unzip postie into your wp-content/plugins folder.
2) Activate postie from the WordPress admin plugins page

Now we need to create a secret email address. When I say secret, I mean an address that you tell nobody. Postie will check all incoming email addresses and only accept emails that have YOUR from address. However, it is possible for people to forge this address – and then you’d have randoms posting straight to your blog which could be nasty.

Configuring Postie

Once you have created this new email account;

1) Visit the WordPress admin panel, select the options menu and then select Configure Postie.
2) Here you can change various Postie settings. One thing you’ll want to change is the default posting category.
3) At the bottom, fill out the email details such as incoming mail server (POP3 or IMAP) and your new email address username and password.
4) Create two new folders called “wp-images” and “wp-filez” and give them writable access. (Chmod 766)

Note: You must remember that by default, Postie will only accept email that has a from address that matches your WordPress admin email address! In my case, my mobile phone provider gave me an email address to use for my IMODE service; I edited my author profile and changed my email to this address.

At the top of the Postie options page, there is a test config button. This will check that Postie can connect to the mail server and also write to the attachment folders that we set up earlier.

Testing Postie

You can now test Postie, simply send an email (PLAIN TEXT!!) to your secret address (doesn’t have to be from your phone, you may send from Outlook if you wish) and make sure you attach a valid jpg file. Now head back to the Postie options screen and hit the Run Postie button. It should show a status page informing you of any messages that were received and any errors that may have occurred.

Automating the checking process

If your webhost gives you access to secure shell (SSH) or telnet, you may be able to add crontabs. Use the below crontab code.

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx –source http://www.your-website.com/wp-content/plugins/postie/get_mail.php >/dev/null 2>&1

This automates the Postie checking process every 5 minutes. The above crontab code should be all on one line.

If you don’t have SSH or telnet access and you have access to cPanel (a web hosting control panel) then you may be able to set up crontabs via the web interface, although it all depends on whether your web host has this enabled.

The next step is to test it with your phone, take a picture and attach it to an email to your secret address. Within 5 minutes it should appear on your blog!

POSTED IN: ProBlogging, Web Tips, Webmaster Tools

12 opinions for Blogging from your phone

  • Blogmines
    May 30, 2006 at 2:50 am

    You have explained it in detail.

  • Jonic
    May 30, 2006 at 3:09 am

    I’ve been waiting for something like this for about a year now… Thanks for the tip! :)

  • Elliott Back
    May 30, 2006 at 10:36 am

    I’ve been using this for http://eyemyspam.com/ a project of mine to attract and publicize spam. Everything sent to spam@ gets filtered by postie and posted!

  • gps
    May 31, 2006 at 6:45 am

    This is a great tutorial. Better than what the tools creator and the official WordPress plugins site offer.

  • Spookyblog » Blog Archive » links for 2006-05-31
    May 31, 2006 at 8:23 am

    […] WorkBoxers (tags: wordpress plugin blog blogging phone) […]

  • WorkBoxers - Making money online since 1891 ..
    Jun 1, 2006 at 1:19 pm

    […] Recently I talked about how you can post photos from your phone straight to a wordpress weblog. Whilst writing the post, it occurred to me why some people post photos of themselves and others don’t. I have on my own blog because I feel that photos portray more information that text based content, it connects with the reader on a more personal level. […]

  • Orde
    Jun 5, 2006 at 11:55 pm

    Jonic! I can’t believe you beat me here! Still, mine’s up and working :-P

  • Jonic
    Jun 7, 2006 at 1:09 am

    Of course I beat you here Orde… I’m like some sort of web observing automaton…

    I know that you spend some of your working day reading stuff on the web, but at least you’ve got a job… Some of your time must be spent working…

    I however probably spend a good ten hours a day online right now… It’s not healthy and it has to stop…

    Anyway, I think I found this on Digg… And 90% of everyone who frequents Digg are amongst the most magnificent people in the world… And I can say that without a scarcest scent of sarcasm…

    Nice alliteration… I think I’m done…

  • nick mark
    Jun 10, 2006 at 9:16 pm

    thank you for your blog, it’s so interesting

  • adsense
    Jun 19, 2006 at 5:04 pm

    The golden rule of the internet marketer is that “Content is KING.” It always has been and it always will be. Especially if you’re an affiliate, good content is your best friend! But, there’s a huge problem!

  • adsense blog
    Jun 20, 2006 at 10:04 am

    The golden rule of the internet marketer is that “Content is KING.” It always has been and it always will be. Especially if you’re an affiliate, good content is your best friend! But, there’s a huge problem!

    Do you really want to sit at your computer and just type content all day long? I doubt it, I sure don’t. So, here are 7 ways to get great content – fast.

  • robmcgarry.com » Blogging from my phone.
    Jul 26, 2006 at 1:15 am

    […] I’ve recently setup “Postie,” a Wordpress plug-in that allows the posting of images (and text) directly from my cell phone.  It’s a great little toy that will allow me to post more frequently to this blog. […]

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