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Archive for October 2004

October 14th, 2004

Selling Through Design

It occurred in the Free Content as a Linking Strategy thread and was surprised that the topic had not come up sooner. When you first come into this field of Affiliate Marketing and go looking for help you are overwhelmed by the amount of sites that offer to sell you advice in an ebook or […]

By Paul -- 30 comments

October 11th, 2004

Free Content as a Linking Strategy

Ron Knowlton has written an article describing the benefits of submitting articles to sites (like this one) to get free links back to your sites. This is a great strategy to use for high trafficked sites. Even though I don’t have a submit page up on this site yet, feel free to submit any articles […]

By Paul -- 4 comments

October 11th, 2004

How to Build Massive Keyword Lists

As keyword marketing becomes more and more expensive and competitive, it has become essential when building your lists to focus on the maximum number of phrases and their variations that a surfer might enter into the search engines.
Because according to Amit Singhal, principal scientist at Google, a guy who really should know what he’s talking […]

By Paul -- 7 comments

October 8th, 2004

Building the 9rules Network

The Ideas
Ideas are a dime a dozen. It’s always funny to me when people ask me how do I come up with the ideas for my sites because I know that every single person sits at their computer and for at least one split second thinks to themselves &lduqo;It would be cool if someone did […]

By Paul -- 2 comments

October 5th, 2004

Distributed Revenue Scheme

It’s always good if you can find writers to help you on your sites, especially if they are group collaboration type sites. While you would want everyone to volunteer and just write for the love of it, if you plan on bringing in money then I think it is only fair that you give them […]

By Paul -- 5 comments

October 5th, 2004

September Earnings Report

September was my highest earnings month ever thanks to reaching the highest levels for Amazon’s Bonus Growth Tiers. Now that the quarter is over and the stats are reset I am looking for a siginificant drop in Amazon revenue, but with a new commission structure implemented only time will tell.
I also implemented text ads to […]

By Paul -- 11 comments