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May 8th, 2008

Clickbank Return Policy Changes Again

If you hadn’t noticed, Clickbank has redone their return policy for defective products. Log-in to your account and read the news…
Return Policy: Extended Timeframe
“We are making a minor change to our posted return policy effective May 20, 2008. The stated return policy on our web site will change from 8 weeks (56 days) to 60 […]

By Mark -- 0 comments

April 21st, 2008

Generosity As Business Strategy

Bob Dunlap, Director of Marketing at Clickbank, wrote this piece recently…
Generosity As Business Strategy
He wrote it to send a thoughtful message to publishers who use Clickbank and its affiliates to earn money online. Besides filling a need or solving a problem for a customer there was something else that Bob referred to that made specific […]

By Mark -- 0 comments

March 19th, 2008

New Clickbank Initiative - Platform Globalization Released

With a hat tip to Adrian Ling…
ClickBank is pleased to announce the launch of phase one of Platform Globalization.

“The first phase of Platform Globalization allows you to expand your reach and capture additional sales by offering products in Spanish. Also, it will allow affiliates to target an even larger audience when promoting products. Lastly, customers […]

By Mark -- 0 comments