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Work Boxers

January 9th, 2008

Average Americans - Precisely

Precisely what folks like Scott Cleland want you to pay attention to, I suppose…
“CNET has a great article: New Hampshire voters: Net Neutrality? Huh? that exposes what we all know — that net neutrality is a niche special interest issue that is not at all on the minds of average Americans.”
Oh, now, please… “the American […]

By Mark -- 0 comments

November 26th, 2007

It’s Simple - What Comcast Did Was Wrong

Will you folks who are attempting to justify these actions please stop? Please!!!
Damn… I’ll give them the fact that they have the right to shape traffic, it’s their equipment and they’re providing a service! Which many pay for dearly.
They have a TOS that those who pay for their services agree to from jump-street. If you […]

By Mark -- 0 comments

November 11th, 2007

Good News!

Damn good news!
F.C.C. Planning Rules to Open Cable Market
“The Federal Communications Commission is preparing to impose significant new regulations to open the cable television market to independent programmers and rival video services after determining that cable companies have become too dominant in the industry, senior commission officials said.
The finding, under a law that gives the […]

By Mark -- 0 comments

November 9th, 2007

Mark Klein Whistleblower

Hat tip to the EFF;

Kudos to you Mark!
Tags: AT&T, Mark-Klein, net-neutrality, save-the-internet

By Mark -- 0 comments

September 27th, 2007

Scott, Scott, Scott…

There is a long list of Blogs which have made reference to this change of heart you’ve had since 1999.
To Scott Cleland, an analyst with Legg Mason Precursor Group, the special treatment that allows cable operators to shut out other providers follows neither history nor logic.
“Cable is the fifth wire into America’s homes,” Cleland says. […]

By Mark -- 0 comments

September 13th, 2007

In Your Face America!

Absolutely Belligerent and Obnoxious!
You know what really is “arbitrary, capricious, unsupported by the substantial evidence and otherwise contrary to law?”
Verizon’s attempt to muddy the waters for all of us for the 700 MHz spectrum auction in January, that’s what…
No doubt a tactic to divert attention from an investigation into the Justice Department’s politically motivated and […]

By Mark -- 2 comments

September 1st, 2007

Protecting The Public Interest

I found this video very interesting. It is Bill Moyers interviewing FCC Commissioner Michael Copps on Big Media. “Among the topics are net neutrality and the current state of the media as well as proposed new rules which could allow further consolidation.” I especially found these thoughts provocative;
“Regulation, Deregulation - Mindless Rhetoric”
“Broadcasters Are Supposed To […]

By Mark -- 0 comments

August 24th, 2007

I Like Eric Schmidt More Every Day!

This is truly serious business folks! Come on - you have just got to realize that your opportunities to make money on the Internet as we know it today are about to blow up in our collective faces and Eric Schmidt from Google is doing everything he can to avoid that!
Eric had the nerve (audacity, […]

By Mark -- 0 comments