Google’s Sense of Humor
So I bought Work Boxers because Google wasn’t even touching the old site and immediately I started to see results. Well no less than 2 weeks later it seems that Google has released Big Money Tips from its shackles and has begun to index the content pages for the site.
Amusing no?
So now I have two “money” sites. Work Boxers will continue to have the type of content that I have been posting for the last couple of months, but I need to do something with Big Money Tips. Absolutely no reason to let an indexed site (and DMOZ’ed I might add) go to waste right? Any suggestions?
Big thanks to Amine for letting me know that Big Money Tips is now in Google.
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POSTED IN: Personal Thoughts
13 opinions for Google’s Sense of Humor
Ryan Latham
Mar 3, 2005 at 9:13 pm
You know what I think it could be good for, just like a money saving blog. The title of the site obviously allows for that. If you feel you are knowledgable enough, or could at least bull shit enough to convince people that you know what you are talking, then go for that.
And like these tips could be just ways people never see as a way to save money. Like, if you smoke, quit. If you’re like me, and can’t quit, try a couple cheaper brands to see what you like. I mean hell, if you can’t quit smoking, even switching to a brand that is 30 cents cheaper still saves you money at the end of the year.
I guess what I am trying to get at, is I think with its title, “big money tips” could be a blog about how to stretch a dollar a little bit further.
Anthony Dever
Mar 3, 2005 at 9:59 pm
I’d make it into a more personal finance tips type focused web site.
Mar 4, 2005 at 1:47 am
In my personal op as a user, i always though that bigmoneytips website was more a commercial website. As a user,I always questionned myself “what is his catch?”, I mean you are targting an audiance who wants to make money out of the web, and technichally you are telling them how you make money out of them.
But in workboxers i think without feeling it, you went a little bit more personal which made me as a user think about it more as your personal blog than just somebody who wants to show me how to make money.
So what i would do if i were you is “specially if i am busy as you are” is keep both sites “same subject different approach” for couple months and try to get as many feedback as i can from my users….
Basically what i’m trying to say is nothing is rushing you…
Jay Jones
Mar 4, 2005 at 7:58 am
Maybe you would consider “sharing” one of them… Since they are both of the same category, possibly the solution would be to enter an agreement with someone where they could manage all of the content, and the adsense revenue could be shared? This way, you still have revenue coming in from the site, and someone else can work alongside you… part of that “training” you were wanting to be able to do.
Don’t know… just a suggestion. ;)
By the way… if you choose to fall to this route, I’d love to be considered!
Another option, maybe, would be top open it up to a distributed scheme similar to Forever Geek?
Mar 4, 2005 at 10:27 am
How about making WorkBoxers more related to working from home? News, Tips and Suggestions to be more productive whilst working in boxers.
Mar 4, 2005 at 11:29 pm
TEACH me how to get hits PLEASE! I’m indexed with Google. But, I am getting virtually NO search hits on my site. My hits (the average is inching up and is now about 100 hits per day) are coming from links to other financial blogs. Although this is good, it isn’t good enough.
Mar 4, 2005 at 11:31 pm
PS - If you are interested in making it a personal finance blog, let me know. I could help you with content.
David Jones
Mar 6, 2005 at 3:51 am
Perhaps an archive on things you spend money on in your life and some possible suggestions or ways to save money on those things.
Ryan’s idea with the smoking would be one of many things we buy where you can save money on if you just stop and think about it.
Say I wanted to buy a digital camera, I go to Big Money Tips and search for digital cameras and get tips on how to save money when buying a digital camera.
Seems like a good resource to me :)
Mar 7, 2005 at 12:40 am
I’d be happy with simply being indexed in Google as well. Is there any other indirect way to find out if your site is “sandboxed”, as you mentioned, from Google? It’s more of a pride thing really, this is a quote from a family member:
“Your site’s not even in Google, I looked.”
Mar 7, 2005 at 12:46 am
I am wondering if Google puts any domain with the words “money” in them in the sandbox. I just emailed them and got a response instantly telling me that my site wasn’t banned and it takes a while for them to spider. I would do the same for your site, if you are not banned then you will show up eventually.
You have been getting decent links back to your site so check your logs and see if google is even spidering it yet. If it isn’t then you are sandboxed.
Mar 14, 2005 at 10:20 pm
They may possibly simply have something that sets it up to have the ones that aren’t autmatically rooted out looked over by Google employees to make sure they’re not scams. I find this extremely unlikely, though. I don’t think it’d pass, economically.
I kinda doubt that they’d sandbox sites specifically with money in the name; also, I’ve heard that sandboxing is just a myth.
Mar 15, 2005 at 7:43 am
If you are in the sandbox, you are indexed but do not rank as high as you should with regards to incoming links with keyword anchors, seo etc etc. Try search for If you are not indexed at all, it is likely that google banned the domain completely from it’s last owner.
Sandbox is not a myth, I did a hard seo for a very popular page with the word “free” in it’s title. After 6 months I was still at number 250, and poff after one google update 1st of february I was number #1. If sandbox doesn’t exist, google definetely has a dampening filter for moneywords, such as “make mony”, “free”, “gambling”, “creditcards” etc etc etc.
Mar 15, 2005 at 5:31 pm
I find it hard to believe that other would exist; new websites aren’t necissarily low-quality, and Google knows it.
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