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Affiliate Mistakes

by Paul on August 11th, 2004

Within the affiliate industry you will find that getting specific advice in regards to success comes far and few between. However, asking people what doesn’t work and you are sure to get a large number of answers which would help any begginner and experience pro out. Here are some of the mistakes that I am seeing many people make in regards to affiliate marketing.

  • Advertising for unrelated products. It makes no sense to create a site that promotes books to have it also include microwaves or clothes. Amazon gets away with this because they are known for being included everywhere and their url is remembered. Your affiliate site doesn’t have that advantage. Stick to a specific topic so the people who visit your site will already be looking for products within that topic.
  • Giving up too quickly. Even though you would like to have the idea that affiliate marketing is easy and that large amounts of money can be made instantly, you have to understand that it requires great patience. You have to try numerous programs, techniques, marketing methods, etc. till you find something that works for you. Once you have spent the time doing that you will find the rest comes easy.
  • Don’t beat a deadhorse. There are already a thousand sites selling books of all topics. Instead focus on science fiction books or even better specialize even further (eg. Dungeons & Dragons books).
  • Not adding value to your content. If you are simply promoting a product without it adding value to your site then the reader might continue on to the next search result till they find a site that does add value to what they are looking for. Adding reviews and articles are just some of the many ways that you can add value to your affiliate site.
  • Not targetting. Going along with the first point you must learn to target, target, target the product or service you are promoting on separate pages of your site.
  • Not experimenting. In this industry one size does not fit all. What works for one person will not work for another. Experiment. You will fail sometimes, but you will learn from these mistakes and become even better. Once you figure out what works, you spend zero time on what doesn’t work.
  • Not making the buy link obvious. You want people to click on the buy link so make sure it is prominently displayed on the page. They can’t buy if they don’t know where to go.
  • Thinking get rich quick. It is possible to make money from affiliate marketing. You might make enough to pay your bills and get out of debt. You might make enough to quit your day job. However, you should never believe that it will happen overnight. It is true that once you get the ball-rolling and start to understand how different techniques work that the money comes in a little bit easier, but all of that comes with time. Look at any offer with skepticism as you would if someone was trying to sell you a $10 car. It takes work to get where you want.

POSTED IN: Affiliate Marketing

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