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Work Boxers

June 1st, 2006


“We are able to work in our boxers because the web has been very kind to us. Let it be kind to you.”

WorkBoxers offers free content in an effort to help you achieve financial success online. Because WorkBoxers is a blog, you’ll find new articles that popup throughout the week. The best way to stay up to date is by subscribing to the .

The History
WorkBoxers was formly run and owned by Mr Paul Scrivens, founder and CEO of the 9rules network. In October 2005, James (Jamsii) applied for a blogging job through the FineFools network. His primary focus was the Insert25 blog, but he soon found himself enjoying Workboxers much more. In May 2006, Scrivs threw in the towel and replaced his boxers with a suit, or in other words, he wanted to devote more of his time to the 9rules network.

Workboxers became Jamsii’s.

So who the Heck was Jamsii?
To sum it up, a 21 year old university student with a passion for business and everything web related. He lives in Sydney Australia and has been involved with the Internet in one way or another for the past 5 years. He runs many websites that generate a daily income from affiliate and contextual advertising, WorkBoxers is where he rambled about his experiences.

So sit back, to the feed and enjoy the show :)

None Of Which Is Current Information?
That’s right - Workboxers has undergone a number of changes since the days when Jamsii wrote here. So, today, June 01, 2007, you’re under the fine care of Mark Wade. Kris K. has left for now after a short stint and I don’t know why at this moment.

I’ll let you know more later but, to reiterate - sit back, to the feed and enjoy the show :)

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