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Net Neutrality Links 01-27-2008

by Mark on January 27th, 2008

Can anyone tell me, since I wasn’t in attendance, how Scott Cleland was received at the University of San Francisco Net Neutrality Symposium? “All accusations and assertions and little argument or accuracy?” SCOTT! You’re never going to be President so stop making things up whilst denying reality outright! Oh, sorry… that’s a prerequisite, isn’t it?

Robert McChesney’s “Communication Revolution”
OpEdNews - Newtown,PA,USA
They include challenging media concentration, protecting net neutrality, and since 2003 hosting an annual national conference for media reform that brings

The Efficiency Risk Of Net Neutrality Rules
By admin
The Efficiency Risk Of Net Neutrality Rules George S. Ford, PhD, Thomas M. Koutsky, Esq. and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Esq., The Phoenix Center For Advanced Legal And Economic Public Policy Studies May 2006. Network Neutrality proposals risk

Google Welcomes Washington
By David All
Google’s CEO, Eric Schmidt, was on-hand for the launch and gave a short speech on the importance of Net Neutrality and building a bipartisan coalition to better work with Washington on the policy issues it cares about.

Filtergate: AT&T’s Growing PR Problem
By Peter Kafka
But it’s a sign of things to come: “Net Neutrality” is a hard issue to explain to most folks. But the notion of AT&T “reading your IM” is a lot easier to convey, and sure to rile folks up. This would be a tough sell even if it wasn’t an

Internet freedom means net neutrality, not “pay-as-you-go” broadband
By Martin
This leads me to the excellent paper authored by Sascha Meinrath on how the concept of net neutrality needs to be incorporated and expanded into a larger vision of Internet freedom. Meinrath’s paper (available as a free download,

The Economics Of Net Neutrality
By admin
Mandating net neutrality would be likely to reduce economic welfare. Instead, the government should create competition in the broadband market by liberalizing more spectrum and reducing entry barriers created by certain local

Short codes, text messages under scrutiny
RCRNews.com - Golden,CO,USA
And I’ve testified up on Congress that there’s no need for net neutrality legislation because I believe the commission has the authority today to enforce

Gigi Sohn on Net Neutrality
Gigi B. Sohn, co-founder and President of Public Knowledge, was a guest on C-SPAN’s The Communicators on Jan. 19. She talked about several Net-Neutrality related issues

Expanding Our Concept of Net Neutrality
By Sam
NYU Law School hosts its first Information Technology Society (”ITS”) Colloquium of the Spring semester next Friday, February 1st in Greenwich Village. 12:30-2:00pm Furman Hall 245 Sullivan Street, Room 334 New York Frank Pasquale,

Economic downturn is worst time for net neutrality proponents to be discouraging universal broadband
By Scott Cleland
We’ll soon see if net neutrality proponents are reasonable and responsible. Do they grasp that calling for preemptive, anti-investment, regulation of broadband that would discourage deployment of broadband to all Americans — is the

Net-neutrality sellout Al Wynn’s inept youtube video
By Cory Doctorow
Matt sez, “Al Wynn, a cosponsor of last year’s COPE Act which would have gutted net neutrality, released a fake news video to rebut charges of corruption. The funny thing is that he reiterates the charges in the video, something you

Seattle Times - United States
Network neutrality means freedom to compete honestly, freedom to innovate and, ultimately, freedom to express ideas. Net neutrality is summarized in three

Music Biz Pushes Piracy Blame To ISPs; Digital Sales Up 40 Percent
By Robert Andrews
The other carrot on IFPI’s stick is net neutrality - it’s trying to tell ISPs that P2P “chokes (their) bandwidth”, warning of a collapsing infrastructure. Stats from the IFPI’s report??? - Piracy: A 20-to-1 ratio of illegal-to-legal

Economic downturn injects reality into net neutrality movement’s nano-management petitions
By Scott Cleland
Net neutrality proponents failed to persuade every official body in 2006 and 2007 to support net neutrality legislation/regulation, because most every responsible official could plainly see that net neutrality was a solution in search

Free Speech and Net Neutrality: Separating Fact from Fiction
By (James Tucker, Policy Counsel, ACLU)
The debate surrounding net neutrality raises several free speech questions. Is net neutrality really the “First Amendment of the Internet,” as some of its supporters maintain? Are internet service providers (ISPs) right when they argue

What is reasonable network management? My remarks at the San Fran net neutrality symposium
By Scott Cleland
Remarks for the University of San Francisco Net Neutrality Symposium. January 26, 2008. Thank you for including me in this forum and debate on net neutrality.

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