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Getting Rowse Money

by Paul on July 20th, 2005

Well ever since Darren decided to disclose his May Adsense earnings he has been the big man on the blog and it is much deserved. However, many people still question if achieving over $10,000/mo blogging is possible. The strategy behind doing it is not hard at all, it’s the execution that becomes a pain in the ass.

You must keep in perspective how long Darren has been doing this and how frequently. Could you honestly put in 12 hours a day, 6 days a week? I know I couldn’t. I would simply go insane. But think if you did?

Write 10-50 entries a day and over time you easily have over 10,000 pages of content. Multiply the different keywords on each page and you have an infinite amount of searches that could land people on your page to click your ads. Pick popular gadget topics and your success rate increases no matter how many people are in the gadget arena.

Write and get linked. Easy as that. Sure there are a couple of other details, but all you are really doing is playing against the law of averages. More pages with keyword filled content equals better chance of success.

Now having the patience to wait for the money to come in is another thing.

So why didn’t I just attempt to take that approach? Well in a way I did, but there are two issues with it:

  1. I don’t see me making my millions by blogging my ass off for the next 5 years (I go the work smarter, not harder approach)
  2. I have a habit of getting bored real easy. I started blogging to see how well I could do from nothing. I think I did alright. Next challenge.

In any case Darren is one of the few people who has the ability to follow through with that approach and have a great deal of envy towards him. I just don’t want people criticizing him because the word “blogging” is associated with it. However, I also don’t want people thinking that it can happen in a day.

POSTED IN: Online Money

9 opinions for Getting Rowse Money

  • Carson McComas
    Jul 20, 2005 at 8:32 pm

    The tone of your post here almost sounds defeated Scrivs, like after reading about it you’re ready to throw in the towel. I mean, he’s kind of depressing us for sure :) …but so much so that it’s “Next Challenge” time?

  • Scrivs
    Jul 20, 2005 at 8:44 pm

    Haha, not defeatist at all Carson, more like I am doing what Darren does, but other people are doing it for me :-)

  • Richard MacManus
    Jul 20, 2005 at 8:44 pm

    Let me ask you something: if you could automate your blog creation, using a tool like Article Bot, would you do it to help you earn $10k a month? What is Article Bot? It’s a tool which enables people to spin off hundreds or thousands of webpages around a single topic. IMHO this is basically spamming the search engines big time. But the Article Bot developer has a different opinion. Full and gory details here:

    Anyway I’m interested whether it’s an approach that you or your readers would take - to write some original content and then try and multiply its impact using a “text manipulation” tool like Article Bot.

  • Scrivs
    Jul 20, 2005 at 8:50 pm

    Richard, I have known about such techniques for the last 2 years and if I wanted to go that way I would’ve done it a long time ago.

    My point was that I am building a company that I plan on turning 7 digits yr/mo and I couldn’t do that if I was simply running my own blogs no matter how hard or long I worked.

    But fake, robot content should be frowned upon by everyone. Especially considering the duplicate penalty that could be put into effect.

  • pixy
    Jul 21, 2005 at 10:18 am

    Wow 10k, man that’s lot of money, that’s way more than what JG “google adsense master” is making from his blog.
    Fortune mag said that he was making over 50k a year, but this is… awsome.

  • Jonathan
    Jul 21, 2005 at 7:21 pm

    How to do you or the other bloggers like Darren do your taxes? I’m assuming all the 1099’s from Google add up to a significant amount? Do you deduct your hosting expenses, etc? I think a post about this would be really useful.

  • Darren
    Jul 22, 2005 at 12:02 am

    Jonathan, it varies for different countries. Darren Rowse lives in Australia, so he’s got a different tax system to work with than Scrivs.

    Basically, if you want to know how to do your taxes you talk to an accountant. They’ll also be able to help you structure your business so that you (legally) minimise the tax you need to pay.

  • Scrivs
    Jul 23, 2005 at 4:05 pm

    Google and Amazon report what I earn to the IRS so there is not way of even trying to sneak out of it. Just manage your money wisely and I would advise paying your taxes quarterl so you are not left with one lump sum every year.

  • Tinus
    Jul 25, 2005 at 10:48 am

    For what I know people in The Netherlands don’t have to pay taxes over what you make with Google’s Adsense, so why don’t you come over to Holland? If you ignore the weather it’s a really nice country..

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