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Tom Tauke Talks BS

by mark on July 30th, 2007

Many have come to question whether we trust the giant telecoms or Google regarding the Wireless UHF TV Spectrum auction for which the FCC is about to create rules.

My question is - Is Tom Tauke any different than Ed Whitacre? Let’s see… Tauke says;

“Google is attempting to ensure the F.C.C. that the federal government can get a minimum price without a competitive bidding process. Google, of course, would get the spectrum at a bargain basement price. The bottom line is this: without Google’s rules, the government will get literally billions more for this valuable spectrum, and the taxpayers will be the winners. The integrity of the auction is critical to ensuring that the taxpayers and consumers receive the maximum benefit from this important public asset. And the best way to foster integrity is to encourage a diverse and competitive universe of bidders – a goal undermined by the Google plan.”

Really? Do you, for one millisecond, trust that? Mr. Tauke is the executive vice president of public affairs, policy and communications for Verizon. That isn’t what Google said. What Google said was “we urged the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to adopt rules to make sure that regardless of who wins the spectrum at auction, consumers’ interests are the top priority.”

Google also said: “Why $4.6 billion? While we think that a robust and competitive auction based on these four principles will likely produce much higher bids, and we are eager to see a diverse set of bidders competing, $4.6 billion is the reserve price that FCC has proposed for the auction.”

Where does this bs come from? - “Google, of course, would get the spectrum at a bargain basement price.” Has Tauke given up on the auction already? I mean, it doesn’t happen until January…

Ed Whitacre once regurgitated;

“Some companies want us to be a big dumb pipe that gets bigger and bigger. No one gets a free ride”

“Those that want to use this will pay.”

I ought to place my trust in a giant telecom mouthpiece? When the hell will we collectively take a reality check??? To twist and spin this into - “the taxpayers will be the winners” in favor of the telecoms is outlandish. These people really, truly, believe we have all lost our cognitive abilities. And perhaps we have if we allow this to be finalized for the benefit of the reorganized, remonopolized, Bells… Give AT&T what they want and the taxpayers will be the winners? My God…

Technorati Tags - spectrum auction federal communications commission Google Wireless Bid FCC


POSTED IN: Web Happenings

2 opinions for Tom Tauke Talks BS

  • Google Sucks, period.
    Aug 3, 2007 at 8:47 am

    The fact of the matter is that Google controls (has a very significant impact on, if you prefer) the flow and dissemination of information online, is entering print media, and now wants to enter the radiowaves. In addition to which it reads your (in the general sense, not you personally) email, powers your blogs, and generally is pervasive. IMHO, you don’t want Google on the air, regardless of what Tauke said.

  • mark
    Aug 3, 2007 at 5:35 pm

    Hey Bookworm - welcome :)

    This is for me, it boils down to the lesser of evils. I’m not certain which evil is less but right now it appears Google is. I may find differently later and I can change my thoughts and feelings and adapt but, for now, AT&T, Verizon and whomever else (is there anyone else?) catch the brunt of the mistrust, from me.

    Certainly do appreciate your view though, thanks. I’m sure you’re not alone and, hey, you might even be right (just kidding).

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