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Work Boxers

Don’t do it because others are

by admin on June 8th, 2006

A few months ago I went on a get rich quick rampage. I saw people making insane amounts of money with MySpace sites, so I started one and bought another. Two weeks passed and I hadn’t touched either site - I just .. wasn’t .. interested.

Sure MySpace is a huge market; a site that has more hits than Google must be worth targeting but it just isn’t me. I don’t have the motivation to promote them, update with content, look for links and the general ins and outs of running an adsense site.

I had done the unthinkable, the number 1 rule that you should NOT do when attempting to make money online - I had copied others regardless of how I felt. Who remembers when the first poker blog appeared? Hundreds popped up overnight when webmasters saw the opportunity in this insanely popular new age craze. This is a prime example of what I’m talking about. If the authors had a passion for poker then sure, go for it, but my gut tells me otherwise.

Another thing to note, when you type “” into Google - the first result (for me) is a blogspot blog. Good on them, shows that even unprofessional “hosted based” blogs can still churn out a good ole Google search ranking.

POSTED IN: Online Money

4 opinions for Don’t do it because others are

  • Ara Pehlivanian
    Jun 8, 2006 at 6:10 pm

    I always love seeing stuff that’s original, and I get equally turned off with all the copies that pop the next day.

    There’s a part of me that wonders if the copycats think I’m stupid enough not to notice that they’re ripping “brand x” off. In fact I get physically disgusted by the sight of it. Am I the only one?

    With that said, it takes enormous self-control not to jump on the bandwagon whenever I see a “trend” brewing.

  • dropout
    Jun 8, 2006 at 7:02 pm

    Congratulations! The first step to stop being a tool is realization and you’ve achieved it! ;)

    Seriously, online trends are funny but one should never try to copy them - one should make them in the first place!

    Go out there and be the next Amir!

  • Jamsi
    Jun 9, 2006 at 1:33 am

    Hehe, thanks for the comments :)

    And Ara, no you’re not the only one. I get turned off by every proxy site I see up for sale on sitepoint. There’s got to be hundreds every month that get listed!

  • City SEO/M
    Jun 19, 2006 at 6:29 pm

    Yeah, I tried the same with FIFA’s world cup n quit.

    Didn’t cost me nothing, though :D.

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